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This page emphasises Christmas Cards for School's commitment to environmental issues. We utilise our resources to this end. All the artwork we receive from schools is in due course securely shredded and recycled, therefore, completing the entire cycle of a guaranteed renewable resource from forester, to pulp and then paper mill, to printer, to the customer, and then to be recycled.

  • Our card stock carries FSC (Forest Stewardship Council ®) chain of custody certification.
  • FSC is an international, non-governmental organisation dedicated to promoting responsible management of the world's forests. It was founded in 1993 in response to public concern about deforestation and the demand for a trustworthy wood-labelling scheme. It is supported by high-profile organisations including: WWF, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and The Woodland Trust.

  • Chain of Custody (CoC) Certification
  • CoC is an independent assessment, by a qualified and accredited expert, who verifies systems are in place to trace the flow of wood-containing products back to the certified forest.

    Emmer Green Primary School, Reading
    "I appreciate the effort you have put in to make the order quickly. The mugs, cards and gift tags are VERY WELL MADE and appreciated by parents. This has been a LOT OF FUN for the children and we RAISED OVER £500 for the school too"
    Joan Forteath, PTFA

    A man was walking along one day when he saw a very old man planting an acorn.
    “Why are you planting an acorn?“ asked the younger man.
    “Surely you do not expect to live long enough to see that acorn growing into an oak tree?”

    “Ah”, replied the old man, “my ancestors planted trees not for themselves,
    but for us, in order that we might enjoy their shade and their fruit.
    I am doing likewise for those who will come after me.” (Friends of the Earth Magazine)