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Order Free Kit

Easy fundraising for you and taking
care of the planet for all of us ...
that is what we are about.

We use high quality, environmentally aware materials, along with the latest environmentally sensitive technologies to process and manufacture your designs.

For over 25 years our fundraising products have proved to be very popular. Simple and fun to produce with our FREE Drawing Kit, we pride ourselves in providing printing of the highest standard with a reliable service.

Our friendly team will guide you through the easy process, and we are here on call if you need any advice. We have dealt with thousands of customers and we have established ourselves as one of the market leaders in school fundraising.

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Bowhill Primary School, Exeter
"Thank you so much for the BEAUTIFUL CARDS you produced for our school, everyone who received an order was THRILLED WITH THE QUALITY. We look forward to using your scheme again later this year."
Kate Brazendale-Sweet, PTFA